Entergy Arkansas, LLC
APSC Docket No. 16-036-FR

Notice of filing made on July 7, 2023

Notice is hereby given that on July 7, 2023, Entergy Arkansas, LLC (EAL or the Company) filed with the Arkansas Public Service Commission (APSC or the Commission) an Application for Approval of a Rate Adjustment and Evaluation Report pursuant to Rate Schedule No. 44, Formula Rate Plan Rider (Rider FRP). The Company requests an order approving its proposed Rider FRP Revenue Change and Rate Adjustment by Dec. 13, 2023. The Rate Adjustment amount is $88.6 million and will affect customers in the Residential, Small General Service, Large General Service, and Lighting rate classes. Please see Table 1 below for a breakdown by rate class. Table 2 provides the change in the current FRP rate and the proposed FRP rate. All retail base rates and applicable riders on file with the APSC will be increased by the percentage of base revenues listed in Table 2 below.

Table 1

Rate class 2024 FRP revenue change Annual percentage change Cumulative FRP revenue change Cumulative percentage change
Residential 42,018.84 4.5% 228,663,009 30.2%
Small General Service 22,142,005 4.4% 118,079,223 29.3%
Large General Service 22,700,219 3.4% 126,860,512 22.5%
Lighting 1,724,692 4.1% 8,933,737 25.3%
Total 88,585,730   482,536,482  


Table 2

Rate class Current rate Proposed rate
Residential 31.2090% 38.1780%
Small General Service 28.7900% 36.0150%
Large General Service 29.9063% 36.6113%
Lighting 29.2792% 36.1690%

If the Commission does not issue a final order by such date, the proposed Rate Adjustment will become effective on Jan. 2, 2024, for the first billing cycle of January 2024, subject to refund.

Information relative to the filing in this matter, including the date and place of the public hearing, which will be set by order of the Commission, can be obtained from Karen Shook, the Acting Secretary of the APSC, 1000 Center Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201, or on the APSC website, https://apsc.arkansas.gov.  Information can also be obtained by email at secofcomm.apsc@arkansas.gov or by phone at 501-682-5782.  Copies of the Application, Evaluation Report, and related filing documents are available on the APSC website and may be obtained by selecting “Online Services”, “Docket Search”, and typing the docket number “16-036-FR” into the text box.

Interventions by interested persons should be filed in compliance with the provisions of the APSC Rules of Practice and Procedure (RPP), Rule 4.02(a)(1), related to the contents of any petition to intervene, and the Rider FRP Formula Rate Protocols, which can be found in Attachment F to Rate Schedule No. 44, related to filing deadlines. Petitions to intervene must be filed with the APSC within ten (10) calendar days from the Application filing date unless good cause is shown pursuant to RPP 2.05. Limited Appearances should be filed in compliance with the provisions of RPP 4.02(b) both as to the contents of the verified statement of position and the filing deadline, which is twenty (20) days prior to the date set for the hearing, except for good cause shown. Interested persons also may submit public comments in writing via the APSC website or orally at the hearing pursuant to RPP 4.07.

The APSC may conduct a public hearing on or before Nov. 13, 2023, unless waived by EAL and the other Parties (subject to APSC approval). Following any hearing, EAL anticipates that the APSC will issue a final order in which it resolves any issues in dispute and approves the proposed Revenue Change and Rate Adjustment along with any revisions ordered by the APSC.


Entergy Arkansas, LLC
P.O. Box 551
Little Rock AR, 72203

J. David Palmer
Director, Regulatory Affairs

Kimberly Bennett
Asst. General Counsel