Whether you run a small business or a large industrial facility, energy is a major expense.
Entergy Arkansas provides solutions for businesses of all sizes to increase their efficiency. From customized programs that set a schedule for energy use to incentives for improving your facility's energy efficiency, there are plenty of ways to save energy and increase your bottom line.
Small business
- Small Business Solutions for help identifying and implementing efficiency opportunities in your small business.
- Point of Purchase Solutions for discounts on efficient lighting and other products you might need for your facility.
- Smart Direct Load Control for an advanced thermostat program that pays you money for control of your thermostat during peak summer days.
Agricultural business
- Agricultural Energy Solutions for financial incentives to help upgrade lighting and equipment at your farm or agri. facility.
- Agricultural Irrigation Load Control for an irrigation pump control program that pays you for control of your pumps during peak summer days.
Cities, counties & schools
- CitySmartSM Program for efficiency assistance tailored to the unique needs of public entities, colleges and universities.
- Point of Purchase Solutions for discounts on efficient lighting and other products you might need for your facility.
- Smart Direct Load Control for an advanced thermostat program that pays you money for control of your thermostats during peak summer days.
Large commercial & industrial
- Large Commercial & Industrial Program for a wide range of assistance with increasing the efficiency of your facilities and processes.
- Point of Purchase Solutions for discounts on efficient lighting and other products you might need for your facility.
- Smart Direct Load Control for an advanced thermostat program that pays you money for control of your thermostats during peak summer days.
Interested in improving the energy efficiency of your natural gas, too? Get more information about savings and programs available from Summit Utilities.