Entergy Arkansas, LLC


All of the provisions of each rate schedule you are about to access apply when calculating a bill for service. The amount of a bill for service will be modified by any optional Rate Riders selected by the Customer or mandatory Rate Riders that must apply. Please see Table of Riders Applicable to Rate Schedules below.

Copies of Entergy Arkansas' tariffs are provided for informational purposes only as a convenience to our customers. Your use is subject to the terms contained in the Legal Information page on this Web site. The official tariff documents are on file with the Arkansas Public Service Commission. If there are differences between the electronic copies on this website and the official tariff documents on file with the regulatory agencies, the official documents shall prevail. In addition, Entergy Arkansas makes no warranty or representation that a particular tariff/schedule selected by a customer is available to or suitable for that customer. You are encouraged to contact Entergy Arkansas directly to determine whether a particular tariff/schedule is applicable to and/or available for your service requirements.

Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print these profiles. Acrobat Reader is free software available from the Adobe website.

Schedule of Exemptions from General Service Rules (ES-1)
For a Letter of Guaranty form, please contact the Customer Service Center at 1-800-ENTERGY (1-800-368-3749) to speak with a Customer Service Representative.
Schedule of Exemptions from Rules for Conservation and Energy Efficiency Programs (ES-2)

Residential Rate Schedules

RS General Purpose Residential Service
RT Optional Residential Time-Of-Use (not available to new applications after June 30, 2010)
REMT Residential Energy Management Time-Of-Use
SEPO Solar Energy Purchase Option
LN-M Legacy Net-Metering Service

Street/Area Lighting Rate Schedules

L4 All Night Outdoor Lighting Service
Table of Riders Applicable to Rate Schedules

Rider Schedules

NDCR (M26) ANO Decommissioning Cost Rider  (Mandatory)
GGC Grand Gulf Bill Credit
GGR (M33) Grand Gulf Rider  (Mandatory)
PCA Production Costs Allocation Rider (Mandatory)
FLCF Federal Litigation Consulting Fee Rider (Mandatory)
ECR Energy Cost Recovery Rider  (Mandatory)
Record of Energy Cost Recovery Factors Used in Billing
MFA Municipal Franchise Adjustment Rider  (Mandatory)
CAC (M15) Charges Related To Customer Activity  (Mandatory)
CI Charging Infrastructure Rider
EECR Energy Efficiency Cost Rate Rider (Mandatory)
GMES Government Mandated Expenditure Surcharge Rider (Mandatory)
GP Green Promise Rider
PCEV Public Charging For Electric Vehicles
CCR Capacity Cost Recover Rider
FRP Formula Rate Plan Rider
IRCR Internal Restructuring Credit Rider
OASR (M18) Optional Apartment Service Rider  (Optional)
TA Tax Adjustment Rider

Service Policies

EOFP Extension of Facilities
UGP Tariff Governing The Installation of Electric Underground Residential Distribution Systems And Underground Service Connections
SRP Service Regulations
PADP Pick A Date Plan (Extended Due Date)
BBP Budget Billing Plan Levelized/Equal Pay)
EAPP Extended Absence Payment Plan
LTP Provisions for Landlord and Tenants
SNVP Standard Normal Voltages
OLMP All Night Outdoor Lighting Maintenance Policy
QPCP Quick Pay Center Payment
EPCP Contingency Emergency Power Conservation And Curtailment Plan
MTP Meter Testing Program
PS14 Prepaid Electric Service Program (PESP)